New real-time monitoring network on the Hudson

New real-time monitoring network on the Hudson

Earlier this week, NOAA and NYSDEC announced the Hudson River Estuary Physical Oceanographic Real-time System, which will deliver weather and water level observations to the public.

Science Leadership Program and the Park

Science Leadership Program and the Park

Hudson River Park’s Science Leadership Program (SLP) is a paid summer research opportunity for high school-aged, female-identifying students from underrepresented communities in STEM in New York City.

In-Park Research

In-Park Research

Hudson River Park has an ongoing commitment to facilitating Estuarine Sanctuary research through both internally-led projects and by providing resources for local academics through our Visiting Scholars Program.

A Day in the Life of the Hudson Harbor

A Day in the Life of the Hudson Harbor

Every fall, over 5,000 students of all ages from across New York State participate in Day in the Life of the Hudson Harbor, a field-based event where they celebrate and learn about the river and its unique estuary.